hummm.. very personal topic.. but that's fine...
I started thinking on what should I change in me to become a better person and make it larger than life.. a couple of things so far...
Dealing with situations....
This was definitely troubling me a lot. When ever i face a tense situation I used to loose control and start shouting all around for no good reason. It's only later I realized that, it does not do any benefit neither to myself nor to the ones I am shouting at, rather, it's more damaging. I took it very serious to correct that part of me and I did that.. and trying to get even better...
Commenting on everyone...
This is a very bad quality in me... no I would rather say this was a very bad quality in me.. when I am introduced to a person from any of my first contacts I probably start thinking more about them and start doing my own analysis and I don't know what more I do... and then start telling all that to my contacts at a later point.. aaahhhh that was awful.. really very bad... not that my thought was bad but that my own friend might think bad of me if I pass on any wrong or invalid comments... I should not do that at least for my own friend's perspective.. so decided not to do that again and got this attribute too into my was list !!! Thank god, better late than never.
this is all I could find so far.. will continue to get better...
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