last 4 days - something really remarkable - listening to the slogan "Bharath Maata ki Jai" was really pleasing.. no political party name, no politician name in the slogan no religion no caste.. when was the last time we saw such a thing especially for a good cause... come lets fight. This is a common man fight for our own rights.. it is like now or never.. I am amazed to see this happen just in days after I wrote in my blog - I was wrong. not every one among us is sleeping. We can do and one man has proven that... time to react I hope this is not let down... millions fighting for their own rights... was reading the other day about one stupid film director saying this does not make any difference to him.. screw him and his statements a** ****
Was watching TV and was surprised to see school kids talk about corruption, should that be considered awareness on a good note or the depth of the roots of corruption on the wrong note.. I was unable to decide.. kids too talking about corruption and supporting Anna was in a way inspiring and was worrying too.. tears flew down my eyes.. what a situation we are in... our f*****ing ba**** politicians and bureaucrats have brought us down to such a worst stage... just imagine.. what is the money they are dwindling on.. it is ours.. we paid it in the form of taxes.. it is our sweat and blood
97 hours fasting from one great man has awakened the entire nation. Glad to see the kind of support he got. Irrespective of what the end result is going to be, one should be glad that there are many Indians wanting a change and just waiting for the right time to fight it back. And yes it was all over the news that it was a victory of common man and victory of democracy... the worrying part is, our politicians are well know to slip tongues, will this not be another such case?? you never know..... lets us wait and watch !!!
waiting for some good to happen in this corrupted world !!!!!! A stupid common man !!!
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