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You can accomplish anything you want in life provided you don’t mind who gets the credit. -Harry S Truman
I was very seriously thinking about this for the last 2 or 3 days, how great is it on this earth to be a software engineer. I am sure western world might not see software engineering as a great work but in our nation – India- software engineers are considered next to god!!! unfortunate; This is all because they live a lavish life style, dress well, drive a nice car, and work in air conditioned work space, is that all enough to qualify one to be a very successful person in life? Hope not. Rather, wish not. But trust me, I feel, that is how it is.
How much of the work that software engineer produces if flawless? If it was so we would never need a separate department for testing softwaresJ. Every engineer – developer- I know of, works with one intention in mind, there is testing team to find bugs, why should I be bothered, and never bother to produce something flawless or at least close to flawless. Saying this, I don’t want to say that every software engineer is the same, if it was so, software engineering would have not come so far. Per say, how many people blog and how many searches for that, there is the answer. The day Google servers crash, the productivity of our so called great Software engineers would probably drop by 80%?? I guess 85%!! Maybe more J so, what is today’s development methodology called? Waterfall, Agile, Scrum – no it is GOD – Google Oriented Development. Interesting!!
I am not underestimating all the work that we do, I am just trying to let people realize, if not so, that we – software engineers - are doing nothing great than any one around, unless you are doing it with passion. But I don’t feel people feel so. In India, almost every parent wants their kids to be a Software Engineer and nothing less than that – I say it because most of the other jobs are considered disrespect!! It is almost considered a SIN for not being one!! The person is almost considered useless if not!! I guess, this is all because most of it is by purpose than by passion. I don’t want to talk much about it here, have been talking for long now. Every one wants to be with a big branded company no matter what they do there as long as they are paid for it!!! Again – as my blog says I am speaking my heart – never mind if others agree with me or not.
If you ask me, in the current trend, getting a job as a software engineer is the easiest of all jobs that I can think of!! Have a graduation in hand – the easiest of all the tasks today - and you are half done, browse internet for some puzzles – with answers though – you are closer – bluff a bit in the interview and you are in – are you a beautiful good looking girl? – You will have some reservation - not to worry much – isn’t that easy?
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